How to Make a Simple Flying LEGO Car

If you’re looking to make a LEGO® car that flies, then look no further because here is a simple building brick car with wings so that it can soar like a child’s imagination.

This bitty brick creation was made by a 5-year-old and brings a flying car from his imagination to life.

Let’s get building bitty brickers!

Here’s how to make it

  1. Choose a thin, long brick to make your car’s base.
  2. Add wheel axles – to the front and back – underneath.
  3. Find or make a “wing-shaped” piece to sit underneath the base between the two sets of wheels. These wings are what’ll make it fly (per your imagination)!
  4. Create a front windshield using a window, window frame, door frame, or such piece.
  5. Add a front bumper.
  6. Build up some height for the driver/pilot to sit upon. Create a seat-back if you like.
  7. Add a spoiler or tail at the back to make it look part-plane.

You don’t have to have these exact pieces pictured to make your own flying LEGO® car.

Bitty brickers look for ways to be creative with what they do have.

So, dig into your stash and start building!

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